About Wirednot

cwneThank you for reading and commenting on this blog. Written by me- Lee Badman (CWNE #200), the goal of the Wirednot blog is to express the independent opinions of a busy WLAN architect as I see the IT world evolving- for better or worse. Conversation is certainly welcome, especially opposing views. Occasionally I stray from technology, as I’m also a human being living in the world.

Like comic strips? Check out Oh Mystical Fithe official (and often silly/offensive) illustrated Wirednot rant. How about goofy videos?

I also happen to be the President of Wirednot, LLC, a small but busy consulting company I tend to outside of my day job. I also write fiction.

Finally, I’m fortunate to be active in the bigger networking community. I blog/write professionally for IT Toolbox, Network Computing, Search Networking and other outlets, I do occasional podcasts as webinars when invited, and have been a frequent delegate to Tech Field Day events.  I consider myself neither a “thought leader” or “an influencer”, I just happen to have a lot to say on occasion and try to (mostly) think before speaking.


What’s the background picture on this blog?
These are radio towers that I photographed in the hills above Port au Prince, Haiti.

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